Newsletter March 1st, 2023
Principal's Message
Courier Article
Friday Assemblies
Parent/Teacher Conversations
News from the School Captain Desk
Cross Country
Pupil Free Day - Friday 10th March, 2023
Welcome Picnic - Wednesday 15th March, 2023
School Photo Day - Tuesday 28th March, 2023
Sport’s Day at Mason’s Lane - Friday 31st March, 2023
Hot Lunches
Key Dates 2023
Food Awareness
School Uniform
School Routine and Absences
School fees for 2023
Family Fee Assistance and CSEF
School Bus Travel
Conveyance Allowance
2024 Enrolments are Open
Preschool Storytime at St Brigid’s
Big Childcare
Book Club - Catalogues are back!
Get Active Kids Voucher Program
Gordon & Bungaree Parish News
Change of Details
Dear Parents and Families,
On Wednesday 22nd February, students, staff and members of our community participated in the Ash Wednesday Mass at St Brigid’s Church to mark the start of Lent and learn more about the meaning of Ash Wednesday. As we begin the season of Lent, we take this opportunity to reflect on the significance of this time in our liturgical calendar. Lent is a time of repentance, reflection, and renewal, where we prepare ourselves for the celebration of Easter.
During this 40-day period, we are encouraged to engage in self-reflection, prayer, and acts of kindness towards others. Lent provides us with an opportunity to grow spiritually and to deepen our relationship with God. Through prayer and acts of service, we can strengthen our connection with God and our community. As families, there are many ways that we can observe Lent together.
We encourage you to take time during Lent to reflect on your spiritual journey and to consider how you can grow closer to God. We hope that this season will bring you peace, joy, and a renewed sense of purpose. May God bless you and your family during this season of Lent.
This week, we look forward to the opportunity to connect with each of you during our upcoming Parent/Teacher Conversations. These conversations are an essential component of our commitment to your child's success.
We believe that the partnership between parents and teachers is critical to the success of our children. By working together, we can better understand each child's strengths and challenges, develop strategies to overcome any obstacles, and ensure that every student reaches their full potential.
We encourage you to take an active role in these conversations by coming prepared with answers to the questions on the sheet provided in our last newsletter (please see below).
We look forward to meeting with each of you soon and continuing our partnership in helping your child succeed.
Take care and God bless,
Jayne Bosworth
'Inspire us to act justly and to reverence all God has made.'
Excerpt from St Brigid's Prayer
On Wednesday 22nd February, four of our Foundation students - Brodie, Alice, TJ and Clancy featured on the front page of the Courier. St Brigid’s also featured in the article on Page 2.

Parent/Teacher Conversations commenced yesterday. Parent/Teacher Conversations provide valuable opportunities for the teacher and parents/carers to share and learn more about a student socially, emotionally and academically. The conversations are taking place onsite at St Brigid’s.
Autumn Festival
On Sunday 19th March, the Ballan Autumn Festival will take place! As a school, we are very excited to again be a part of this wonderful community event. We would love for families and staff members to join us for the parade. The theme this year is all about Superheroes! In preparation for this event, if attending, we are asking children, families and staff to ‘dress up’ keeping the theme in mind.

This term cross country will take place at Federation University, Ballarat on Thursday 30th March.
Over the next few weeks in sport sessions, Mrs Byvoet will be trialing children from Year Three - Year Six who wish to participate.
If the children make the distance and within the time frame they will progress straight to Federation University to compete against other Ballarat schools.
A student free day will take place on Friday 10th March. On this day staff will commence a three-year participation in Reframing Learning and Teaching Environments (ReLATE). ReLATE is a research and evidence informed model supporting schools to create the preconditions for improved teaching, learning and wellbeing. ReLATE was developed in Australia by MacKillop Family Services, drawing on the practice model implemented in our schools and delivered by The MacKillop Institute. Within ReLATE, wellbeing is understood as an essential pre-condition for quality teaching and learning. Safe, predictable and supportive learning environments are created and maintained in classrooms where students are not just known, but deeply understood. School leaders and staff are supported both on their professional learning and development journey and in their wellbeing.
On Friday 31st March, 2023, our school will be participating in the Annual Moorabool and District School Sports day. This will be a wonderful opportunity for us to connect with other schools as there will be four schools competing in several activities. This day will be facilitated by school staff and volunteer helpers who will organise and run each event. This is the 26th year that this sports day has been organised at Mason’s Lane, Bacchus Marsh. It would not happen without the dedication and efficiency of the staff and parent helpers from each school to administer each event. More information will be circulated via PAM within the coming weeks.
Just a reminder that there will be no hot lunches in Term 1! Hot lunches will resume again in Term 2. If you are able to assist with hot lunches on a Friday, please contact the school office.
Thank you in advance.
All of the timetabled events (to date) for the school year can be found on our school calendar which can be accessed through PAM and via this newsletter.
Key dates 2023
Term 1…
Monday 27th February - Friday 3rd March |
Swimming Program - Year 3/4W; Year 5/6WA; Year 5/6B |
Friday 10th March |
Professional Learning Day for Staff – Pupil Free Day |
Monday 13th March |
Labour Day Public Holiday |
Wednesday 15th March |
Welcome Picnic - 5pm |
Wednesday 15th March |
NAPLAN commences |
Tuesday 28th March |
School Photo Day |
Friday 31st March |
Moorabool Sports Day |
Thursday 6th April |
Last Day of Term 1 – 2:20pm Finish |
Please note - Foundation students will not attend school on Wednesdays until Wed 16th March
Term 2…
Monday 24th April |
Professional Learning Day for Staff – Pupil Free Day |
Tuesday 25th April |
ANZAC Day Public Holiday |
Wednesday 26th April |
Term 2 commences for all students |
Wednesday 31st May - Friday 2nd June |
Senior Students Urban Camp |
Friday 9th June |
Professional Learning Day for Staff – Pupil Free Day |
Monday 12th June |
Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday |
Friday 23rd June |
Last Day of Term 2 – 2:20pm Finish |
Term 3…
Monday 10th July |
Professional Learning Day for Staff – Visible Learning |
Tuesday 11th July |
Term 3 commences for all students |
Friday 15th September |
Last Day of Term 3 – 2:20pm Finish |
Term 4…
Monday 2nd October |
Term 4 commences for all students |
Monday 6th November |
Professional Learning Day for Staff – Pupil Free Day |
Tuesday 7th November |
Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday |
Tuesday 19th December |
Last Day of Term 4 for students – 3.00pm Finish |
At St Brigid’s this year, we have a number of students with severe food allergies and therefore, in alignment with our anaphylaxis policy, we encourage parents to avoid sending foods that contain nuts to school. This includes peanut paste, nut spreads such as Nutella and fruit and nut bars.
We acknowledge that due to food processing practices it is impractical to eliminate nuts or nut products entirely from an environment where there is food. Many food packaging labels include the phrase ‘may contain traces of nuts’. These foods are acceptable. Thank you for your understanding and support of our school policies.
One of our parents has written an eBook that contains recipes and alternatives for those who have allergies or intolerances with dairy, soy and egg.
Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform to school each day. The St Brigid’s uniform consists of the following:
Summer Uniform: Boys Grey shorts Plain blue short sleeved shirt / polo t/shirt Grey school jumper Grey socks Navy blue school hat (Term 1 and 4) Black school shoes – No runners St Brigid’s School back pack |
Summer Uniform: Girls Blue summer dress/ navy shorts or skort Light blue or grey socks Grey school jumper Navy blue school hat (Term 1 and 4) Black school shoes – No runners St Brigid’s School back pack |
SPORTS UNIFORM – Wednesday’s School Rugby Top School Polo Shirt Navy blue shorts / navy netball skirt White socks Runners Navy blue school hat (Term 1 and 4) |
Jewellery A wristwatch and gold or silver plain studs or sleepers for pierced ear lobes are permitted. Hair Long hair is to be tied back. A hair tie, scrunchie or ribbons may be worn in school colours only (blue, white or yellow). |
A reminder to please label clothing, lunchboxes, containers, bags and water bottles!
Performing Arts will take place on Tuesday’s with Visual Arts and Physical Education taking place on Wednesday’s. All children will need to wear their sports uniform on a Wednesday. Please ensure your child has an art smock (or old shirt etc) for Visual Arts.
All children are expected to be at school ready to begin by 9:00am. Arriving on time for school is important. The first 10 minutes of school is a vital time of the day when the day's routine and structure is established. It is a time for ‘tuning in’ and focusing on the learning intentions for the day. It is very difficult for children arriving late to ‘catch up on this missed information. Parents are expected to phone through to the office the child’s absence on the day, or through our school Parent Access Module (PAM). If there has been no contact from the family in the morning of the absence, a sms from the office confirming the child’s absence from school will be sent.
2023 School Fee statements were sent out to families at the end of last year, are being sent home again today with your child and attached for your reference.
Payment options are via direct debit, EFTPOS at the school office, cash, cheque, credit card or internet banking. An early payment discount of $100 is offered where the family fee account is paid in full by 17th February.
Direct debits are available as 22 x fortnightly, 10 x monthly, or 4 x termly payments. Payments will commence on the 16th February. Please see the attached Fee Deduction Schedule and Direct Debit Authorisation Form for further information. Hard copies of this form are also available from the school office. Please return your form by Friday 3rd February.
In all Ballarat Diocesan Catholic Primary Schools, a Family Fee Assistance Scheme is available to families eligible for a means tested Health Care Card, Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or Veteran Affairs Pensioner Card. The scheme is available to both catholic and non-Catholic families and reduces the cost of the Family Tuition Fee and Capital Levy to a combined maximum of $520 per year ($10 per week). The Curriculum Levy, Technology Levy and Excursion and Camp costs are then added to this to give a total fee amount for the year.
The Victorian Government offers a Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) providing payments to assist eligible families to cover the costs of camps, sporting events and excursions.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance will be paid to the school to use towards expenses related to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
The annual CSEF amount per student is currently $125 for primary school students.
Please see the school office for further information regarding Family Fee Assistance and the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF).
Currently, two school buses operate to and from St Brigid's School Ballan
Bus 1 serves Greendale
Bus 2 serves the Mt. Wallace and Bunding areas
To be eligible to use the bus service, students must live at least 4.8 km from the school on the bus route. If eligible, parents are required to complete and sign a permission form to access the service. Hard copies are available from the school office. Students who already travel on these services and will have previously completed the form, do not need to complete a new application. Due to insurance issues, non-bus travellers who need to use the bus occasionally must complete an adhoc travel form at least two days before the date of intended travel. The bus service is organised via Ballan Primary School bus co-ordinator Kelly Leehane 53681072.
Please note the following recent changes to the Department of Education and Training’s Code Red Day policy and procedures.
Any school bus routes that are within, or pass-through, weather districts where the fire danger is determined to be Code Red will be cancelled. Based on the experience of the 2019 Code Red day in Mallee and Northern Country weather districts, the Department has decided that all school bus routes will be cancelled on future Code Red determined days in impacted weather districts. The Department’s primary rationale for making this policy change is to protect and preserve the lives of students, staff and education communities by taking the most prudent approach to the risk posed by the most catastrophic bushfire conditions.
The Conveyance Allowance assists families with the cost of transporting their children to and from school. To be eligible to receive a conveyance allowance you must:
Be aged between five years (by 30 April in the year that the allowance is sought) and 21 years.
Live more than 4.8km by the shortest practicable route from the nearest Catholic school attended, or, live more than 4.8 km from the nearest bus service.
Further information regarding the Conveyance Allowance can be found in the link below. If you believe you are eligible, please contact the school office.
We have recently switched to a new booking and enrolment platform XAP, which will make things easier for you and for us, so we can put our time into what really matters - having fun with your children!
Through XAP you'll be able to request casual days, record absences, cancel bookings, access invoices and statements, and make payments. Plus, you'll be able to update your family and child details with ease.
To ensure a smooth start to Term 1 and 2023, please create a new enrolment for your child/ren through our website at where you'll find a simple guide and a link to the XAP portal to begin your enrolment.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Jess our St Brigid's Big Childcare co-ordinator. We can't wait to begin Term 1 with a fresh start on XAP!
1st Sunday | 2nd Sunday | 3rd Sunday | 4th Sunday | 5th Sunday | |
Saturday 6.30pm | Dunnstown | Springbank | Dunnstown | Clarkes Hill | Springbank |
Sunday 8.45am | Gordon | Bungaree | Gordon | Gordon | Bungaree |
Sunday 10.30am | Ballan | Ballan | Ballan | Ballan | Ballan |
Korobeit Sat 6.30pm ~ Creswick 8.45am ~ Daylesford 10.30am
RCIA for Children: We are inviting expressions of interest from parents who seek baptism for their children who are 7 years and older who have not yet been baptised. Expression of Interest Forms have been placed in the churches or ring the Parish Office on 0492903409.
SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM 2023 PARISH OF GORDON: Please see attached flyer for more information.